Site notice

Responsible for content:
Thair Abud
Heinrichstraße 13
8010 Graz

Edited by:
Petra Tehrany
Michaela Hronovsky-Ortner
Florian Warum

Web administrator:
Michaela Hronovsky-Ortner


5 Responses to Site notice

  1. Theo says:

    Hi Ali, I see that you’re approaching Trabzon pretty fast despite the horrible weather. Respect!
    I’m still awaiting my much needed supplies thus there is a chance for saying hello for the third time.
    This time cay and dinner will be on me.
    Happy hiking! Theo


  2. muhammed ashique says:

    hello……sir welcome to kerala in indai.


  3. saber ebrahimi09374648173 says:

    hello I am saber qazvin you ok?


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